Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cellulite Home Remedies

Here are some cellulite homes remedies to help you get rid of those unwanted bulges.Cellulite occurs when pockets of fat push up against connective tissue underneath the skin. This bane of many women’s existence is seen much less frequently in men. That’s because female skin tissue is thinner and less porous; therefore, when fat cells push up, they’re more noticeable.

Cellulite and Topical Creams

Aminophylline Cream
This cutting-edge anti-cellulite cream contains the organic compound aminophylline, also used in many inhalable asthma drugs. When applied topically, this compound helps break down fat in cells so it can burn easier. Aminophylline cream, available online for about $40 a bottle, should be applied to the affected area on a daily basis. To supercharge this treatment, add vitamin C, which helps to build collagen. Make sure you get 75 mg of vitamin C each day. One kiwi or a cup of strawberries will do the trick.

Retinol Cream

Retinol is a form of vitamin A that reduces the presence of free radicals responsible for the breakdown of collagen. Retinol helps maintain skin smoothness and makes cellulite bulges less visible. Look for 100,000 IUs of vitamin A per 2-ounce jar. For best results, use 100% retinol cream with added vitamin A, C and E.

Massage Devices

Poor circulation is one reason why a person may develop cellulite. In order to increase circulation a person can work out like mentioned above. Also, massages can help increase circulation and is a non surgical cellulite treatment. Massage devices actually work because cellulite develops because fibrous connective bands between the skin and fat pull the fat to the surface, creating a rippled skin appearance. By creating friction, you can loosen or soften those bands temporarily. Massage helps by stimulating circulation and draining excess fluids. When the fat cells aren’t as “full,” the lumps appear smoothed. Try a massage product with battery-powered rollers.

Diuretic Herbal Supplements

Diuretic herbal supplements DO NOT work. While they may reduce fluid buildup and make fat cells appear smaller for a very brief period of time, you’re basically only getting more expensive urine as they flush through your system. What’s more, these supplements can negatively impact your digestive system and other parts of the body.

Caffeine Creams

Caffeine creams DO work. Caffeine works on the spot by breaking down fat cells, making skin smoother and less lumpy. The caffeine actually dehydrates the area where the cellulite is, tightening and firming the skin for a temporary smooth appearance. When purchasing these products, examine the ingredients, which are always listed in order of concentration. You want to choose a product with about a 5% caffeine concentration. Caffeine creams typically range in price from about $20-$100.

Cellulite and Diet

Drink 8-10 Glasses of Water Daily
Water helps flush out toxins that hide in the fat layers beneath the skin and make cellulite lumps even more visible. Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. Hydration also works to plump the skin and make it look less lumpy.

Avoid Too Much Salt and Sugar
By eating a healthy diet, you can help reduce cellulite.
The first food to avoid is too much sugar, which gets stored in fat cells and causes them to expand. The second food you must limit is your salt intake, as sodium causes fluid retention, making cellulite appears even worse. The recommendation is no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar each day, and stay away from foods containing more than 200 mg of sodium.

Kelp contains fucoxanthin, a xanthophyll compound found in green plants with chlorophyll, which helps the body burn fat. Studies show that ingesting kelp can help facilitate a 5-10% loss in body weight, thus reducing the appearance of cellulite. Add kelp to your diet regimen. You can purchase dried kelp for about $7; try adding it to miso soup or crumble it into stir-frys and salads. Or, you can get your kelp in 300 mg capsule form (about $10 a bottle) at your vitamin store.

Check out some of the easiest exercises to help Cellulite

There’s no permanent cure for cellulite, but there are ways to reduce its appearance. Don’t throw your money away on expensive products or treatments.

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